Two Tellers Telling
Les Schaffer
Never one to be pinned down, Les has had careers in photography, advertising, clay manufacturing and as a child and family therapist, Les believes that storytelling can save the world.
Les helps the process by telling stories that help heal, teach, and bring a laugh or a tear (often in the same story). He tells at festivals, bookstores, arts centers, retirement homes, conferences, schools, libraries and special events.
Les teaches storytelling to seniors and children. He offers workshops for teachers, therapists, and other community groups.
Frequently telling in tandem with Judith Onesty, Les is also co-founder of The Tell Tale Hearts Storytelling Theater and Richmond’s acclaimed youth storytelling group The Story Warriors .
Les enjoys telling Jewish, world folktales, personal family and historical tales. He claims that all of his stories are true, even the ones he makes up.